Jane T. Bertrand, author and outdoors enthusiast
This digital file drawer showcases her books:
Fifty Years of Family Planning in the Democratic Republic of Congo: The Dogged Pursuit of Progress
You Started What After 60? Highpointing across America
It invites you to follow her current pursuit:
Aiming for 80, one “extraordinary outdoors excursion” at a time.

Fifty Years of Family Planning in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Dogged Pursuit of Progress
This book chronicles five decades of struggle to introduce family planning into one of the largest, most complex countries in sub- Saharan Africa, against the backdrop of the major of major political, social, and economic events of the past century.
Aiming for 80
After publishing her book You Started What After 60? Highpointing Across America by her 70 th birthday, friends asked “what’s next?” Aiming for 80 was the response.
She devised a plan, starting at age 70, to do “eight annual extraordinary outdoors excursions,” with the aim of completing 80 excursions by age 80.

You Started What After 60? Highpointing Across America
The year Jane turned 60, she was itching for a new challenge. She loved hiking, but the highest peak in her adopted state of Louisiana was only 535 feet.
Little did she know that “highpointing” (attempting to reach the highest point in the 50 United States) was a well-established pastime with its own club, website, and annual convention.